Easter Sunday is coming!
I am so proud to celebrate the resurrection of my Lord Jesus. When I go back and think of all he did over his time on earth it just astounds me. That a king as holy as he could humble himself to be a carpenter. He knew why he came. He knew what he had to do.
The King of all came and gave his life so that me, a sinner could live with him forever. I remember my pastor talking on Sunday about how if we have committed just one sin we have committed them all. So if I have ever lied then I am a lying, thieving, murderer. God humbled himself to save a lying, thieving, murderer.
I remember when I first watched the passion of the Christ. I was about 9 or 10. Visually seeing what my savior went through to save sinners broke my heart and filled me with a gratitude that I had never had before. Realizing that I put him on the cross I drove the nails in. The one who was sacrificed knew no sin, but he became sin for us.
Some of his last words were "Forgive them, for they know not what they are doing." Even as he was being beaten and mocked he still was crying out for his children. His last words were "It is finished." To me that is the three most powerful words ever spoken. After that the sky turned dark, the ground shook, and the curtain in the temple tore in two.
The day he died he was put in the grave. His disciples and followers were afraid to go out into the streets. They stayed inside praying and grieving. Three days later Mary and Mary Magdalene went to go to Jesus's grave. On their way there there was an earth quake and an angel of the Lord appeared and told them that JESUS HAS RISEN! It said to go and tell his disciples the good news. Later on after Mary and Mary Magdalene tried to convince the disciples that Jesus had risen, Jesus appeared to them. Some of them did not believe it was him, they thought is was a ghost. Then they felt his scars and saw his bruised body. They believed as do I to this day.
I believe he is risen and seated at the right hand of the Father. I know that i will be joined with him when i die to eternally worship him. I further know that his grave is EMPTY and MY LORD JESUS CHRIST LIVES FOREVER!