Thursday, October 16, 2008


When i see all these people who don't know Jesus it so breaks my heart. I recently learned one of my best friends does not truly know him. I was telling my dad about it and i stopped and realized how important it is to intercede for them. There are so many that we don't even know some that have not even heard of his glorious name or is his saving grace. I know that i need to be praying for god to send his spirit upon them. That he would touch theirs lives and open their eyes. It is so heart breaking to know all these people going to eternal torment. It is also eye opening to me. I never thought about it like this and it has never really broken my heart till now. I knew they would not share the joy of dancing with the king of kings and worshiping the lord of lords. I never thought about what they would be doing. I want my friend and all those people put their to share the joy i have from being one of his children. From knowing that i am saved by the one who sits high upon the throne. From the one who died for my sins so that i could spend an eternity worshiping him. There is NO greater love than what Jesus can give you through knowing him and having a true relationship with him. With all the desires of my heart i want everyone to know how amazing and wonderful and majestic and peaceful and joyous and comforting God's love truly is. How indescribable it is. I mean how amazing is it to know that the King of Kings and lord of lords knows your name and planned your life. He knows every second what you will do next. He personally created you and thought of you from the beginning of this world. I want them to know that by God's grace alone are we saved from eternal torment and brought into the most indescribable relationship ever known. I want them to know that only God can make us pure and give us true joy for eternity.

There is no other name
By which man can be saved
There is no other name under Heaven
There is rest for my soul
And the wounded made whole
And the captives set free and forgiven

Such love as i have never known
I've found by the grace that flowed through me
In my unrighteousness
This is why my heart and soul and tongue confess

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